Optimize your working place with the REGO ceiling mounted protection shield.
The medical personnel is facing a problem regarding the high radiation exposure due to long radioscopies and frequent examinations in the interventional radiology. The front of the body is protected while using an X-ray protection apron, however the head, arms and hands are exposed to high radiation.
The well-known ALARA* principle – a basic X-ray protection guideline – requests an as low aspossible radiation exposure – even deceeding the limit – achievable by reasonable meansfor persons who are subject to ionizing radiation at their workplace. The combination of our products „REGO ceiling mounted protection shield“ and „REGO lower body protection“ enables you to protect yourself in the best possible way at your workplace, while wearing X-ray protection aprons with low lead equivalent.
The ceiling mounted protection shield consists of the central axis, extension arm andretaining rod.
*ALARA: “As Low As Reasonably Achieveable”